Practice HORA
Practice HORA training gave me back my physical and mental strength and it also opened up new doors to my creativity after I left my full time position with the Orchestra. I could feel a huge change inside of me and therefore see a better future ahead. This gave me a real purpose to continue developing my musical endeavors and to appreciate life in a whole new light. The reason I dedicate all my musical performances to the HORA Youth movement is simple: they are our future!
​They need resilience as well mental and physical stamina to find their purpose and then to create their life in a meaningful and joyful way.
In today’s world there are so many teenagers and young adults that deal with debilitating anxiety and HORA is a way out of that nightmare. The movements are simple and don’t need any extra gear. As long as you can walk, sit and stand anyone can do these exercises. They only take 20-30min per session and the payoff is huge. I have found that every time I take a class I become more focused and calm so that I can tackle any problem and not get overwhelmed with multitasking. I never imagined that I could be comfortable on stage and enjoy sharing music. Not only do I enjoy making music again I also create about 20 programs every year. I started training in HORA about 17 years ago and I am absolutely amazed at the development that I have seen within myself, from my stage presence to my communication skills with the audience as well as handling challenging and stressful situations. For all of these reasons I dedicate my music to the HORA Youth movement so that every person can know about HORA and choose for themselves if they would like to have an alternative path to what already exists in the world. It is exciting to know that a new path to take us through Life is here to stay.
The next evolutionary step a human, as a species, will take consciously.

HORA enabled me to create educational chamber music concerts and the Bechtler Ensemble, a dream that I never thought was possible.
Bechtler is passionate about the Youth movement HORA Trance Sport, which is a cutting-edge technology that connects the body, the nervous system and the intellect. HORA is a science-based training program designed to develop physical and intellectual inner strength, endurance, and the ability to remain calm during any activity. Bechtler dedicates all of her music to HORA Trance Sport youth movement.

Hora Chair
I use the HORA chair whenever possible because my productivity and creativity is higher and also because it feels good. This unique angle of the chair is energizing and helps me to work more efficiently. When I go back to a regular chair I immediately feel the shift of slumping back into the chair and being more lethargic. The change is very subtle but the outcome is huge. The HORA chair stimulates my body and my brain in a new way that I have never felt before just by sitting in it. It is truly remarkable and even hard to believe that such a simple change of design can have such an enormous effect on my entire system. I recommend these chairs for our school systems, any educational setting, for businesses, and also for those who want to experience a higher quality of life while sitting.
Tanja Bechtler

The final concert of the 2024 season at the Bechtler Museum ended with the Composers Forum, which showcased a Dragon, from my personal collection, to serve as the inspiration for three musical compositions.
The sculpture is called, “The Defender of Nature against the madness and insanity of Nature” , conceived by Master HORA.
She is a female Dragon cast in bronze, which is mounted on a grid made of polished satin stainless steel. Embedded within the sculpture is the evolutionary balance and development that manages itself and controls its power and force. “Nothing lasts Forever” as this balance is very fleeting. The music brought three different musical interpretations of the Dragon to life:
1: The lyrical Defender's Waltz by Armine Ghuloyan
2: Being as One, a dark and mysterious piece for solo cello, that combines pre-recorded electronics with cello.
3: The very elegant, ascending Dragoness by Setzuko Hata.
To combine the visual and aural senses was a magical experience that deepened the effect of this powerful animal. I can’t thank the composers and the museum enough for their hard work and dedication to this beautiful and special night ! also for ranother nice with a hamburger.